Crafts and Activities

The Best Way to Capture Leads and Customers

person holding blue pen
Written by Uzair Shah

Landing pages are vital for online marketing – a well-designed page can help you convert browsers into customers. Also, these pages help gather important customer data which you can use to strengthen your future marketing campaigns, i.e., build email lists. 

Do you want to create a landing page for your business but are unsure why and how to do it? We hear you! Whether you’re new to online marketing or need a refresher, this post will teach you everything about creating an effective landing page that can get you more sales. We’ll cover the basics of landing page design, copywriting, and optimization, as well as some tips for making the most of your efforts. So read on and add these little powerhouses to your digital marketing campaigns for better results! 

landing page lead generation

Purposes of Landing Pages WordPress

If you’ve looked into online marketing, you must’ve come across the term “landing page.” But what exactly is a landing page? Put simply, a landing page is a web page designed to capture a user’s contact information or sell a product. It’s a crucial part of a sales funnel and is focused on making potential customers land on your site.

Landing pages WordPress are usually linked to another web page, such as an ad or an email, and have one call-to-action (CTA), which is an action you want the user to take. 

Here are the different types of landing pages and their purposes:

Lead Capture Landing Page WordPress

The most common type of these pages is the lead capture landing page. As the name implies, the purpose of this type of landing page WordPress is to capture leads, i.e., potential customers who have shown interest in your business by providing their contact information through lead pages

Landing page lead generation usually happens through a form where a user/lead can input their details, e.g., name, number, email address, etc. In exchange for their contact information, the user receives something of value, such as an eBook or a coupon code. 

landing page wordpress

Click-Through Landing Page

A click-through landing page WordPress is designed to get the user to click through to another page, usually a sales or checkout page. Click-through landing pages don’t have much content; instead, they typically have a CTA button that says words like “Add to Cart” or “Get the Deal Now” 

The point of a click-through landing page WordPress is to get the user to take a particular action without distractions. By keeping the design simple and focused on just one CTA, you can increase the likelihood that users will click through to the next page. 

Product Landing Page

A product landing page WordPress is very similar to a click-through landing page in that its purpose is also to get the user to take action. But instead of clicking through to another page, it emphasizes getting the user to purchase a product. 

Product landing pages will have product photos, descriptions, pricing information, and customer reviews. These value-packed pages aim to convert visitors into paying customers with as little friction as possible. 

Best Practices for Landing Page Lead Generation 

A well-designed landing page is vital to successful lead generation. But what exactly makes a landing page effective? Let’s go over three best practices for landing page lead generation that you can follow to increase your conversion rate:

Use Strong Headlines

Your headline is an important aspect of your landing page WordPress. Why? Because it’s the first thing people read (if it’s written in a bigger, bolder font) when they land on your page. Since you have limited time to make a good impression, you must ensure your headline is clear, attention-grabbing, and relevant to your target audience. 

Say you’re running a marketing drive to generate leads for your new eBook on social media marketing tips. A strong headline for your landing page might be “Get the Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing.” This tells visitors exactly what they can expect to get by filling out your form. It’s also short, sweet, and to the point—three things that are essential for a compelling headline.

landing page lead generation

Include a CTA (Call-to-Action) Button 

Your call-to-action button is another crucial element on your landing page WordPress. After all, it’s what tells visitors what you want them to do next (hence the name “call-to-action”). And if your CTA isn’t compelling, then all of your other efforts are for naught. So, what makes an action-inducing CTA button? 

An effective CTA button is always text-based, highly visible, and placed above the fold (meaning visitors don’t have to scroll to see it). It’s also clear and concise—for example, “Download Now” or “Get Your Free Guide.” 

landing page wordpress

Include Social Proof 

People convert better if they see that others have already done so. That’s why including social proof on your landing page WordPress in the form of testimonials, customer reviews, or even celebrity endorsements is smart. If you can show potential leads that others have had success with your product or service, they’ll show interest in trying it themselves. 

For example, if you’re selling a fitness program, you might include before-and-after photos of real people who have used your program with success. Or if you’re selling a business book, you might include quotes from business moguls like Warren Buffett or Bill Gates praising the book (if that’s applicable). 

How to Make Landing Pages WordPress?

As we explained, a landing page WordPress converts visitors into leads or customers. A well-crafted landing page will typically have a specific call-to-action (CTA) that encourages the visitor to take a particular action, like downloading a white paper, or making a purchase.

But for a landing page to be effective, it must be designed with conversion in mind. The layout, copy, CTA button, and even the color scheme should all be geared toward getting the visitor to take action.

Now that we know the power of these attractive pages, here are the steps for creating an effective landing page WordPress:

  1. Figure out your goals for the landing page. What action do you want the visitor to take? 
  2. Keep your CTA above the fold. The CTA should be one of the first things visitors see when they land on your page. 
  3. Use persuasive copy. The text on your landing page should be value-loaded, persuading the visitor to take action. Copy for landing pages is arguably the most crucial element because it builds a rapport with the readers, eventually guiding them to the next stage of a sales funnel. 
  4. Use images sparingly. Too many photos can actually distract from your CTA and dissuade visitors from taking action. It’s best to maintain a visual hierarchy and balance in a landing page WordPress. 
  5. Include testimonials. Testimonials from previous customers can help a brand encourage new visitors to convert. 
  6. Use a strong CTA button. The CTA button should be the focal point of a page so the readers know what to do next. Also, use persuasive language (e.g., “Download Now,” “Subscribe Here,” etc.) to instill a sense of urgency. 
  7. Make it easy for visitors to convert—the fewer steps between arriving on the page and converting, the better.
  8. Create a sense of urgency. Use language that encourages visitors to take action now rather than later. 
  9. Include a pricing table if applicable, especially if you’re selling a product or service.
  10. Design for mobile. A huge percentage of customers use phones to browse the internet, so your landing pages should be optimized for mobile.

These easy steps are enough to make a landing page WordPress and use it as a conversion-focused digital asset. If you’re new to making web pages, never fear because now we have amazing landing page builder tools that complete these steps within minutes. Once your make-do landing page WordPress is ready, you can customize it to suit your brand voice and get going. 

Rounding Up

A compelling landing page can be the difference between a website visitor taking the next step in their buyer’s journey or bouncing off to another site. A customized page focused on a specific goal lets businesses increase their chances of conversion and drive more sales. The tips outlined in this quick guide will help you create landing pages that are both effective and engaging. Focusing on a powerful call to action, using high-quality visuals, and keeping your content targeted can ensure your landing pages convert visitors into leads. 

So, start designing your next landing page today, and see those leads rolling in! 

If you’re wondering how to get started with WordPress, make sure to check this post out too.

About the author

Uzair Shah

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